Thursday, July 7, 2011

Newbie in trial...

Hi all..after my last post for the past several months, i kept silent until today (8 July 2011), got some time to show up after busy with my working schedule. Time is killing me and it looks like i'm the busiest people in the world..Sorry not to say that i am very important person, but i'm sure that you guys can understand after we have passed a very busy day and you will feel like there is no intention to do "unimportant thing" like blogging. Huhuhu..So, last two months, i bought one very basic HF rig (Icom IC-718). Although i'm so busy with my outdoor programme but i have decided to buy cause it was my interest since i first involved in amateur radio (year 2008. So last two was a lucky day (propagation), and i have a chance to qso at 28.490 (10 meter band) with 9W8WAT (Abg Wat) QTH Simunjan Sarawak and several more stations from Japan. Quite clear and easy to understand. So, herewith i attached the video that i have recorded. Thanks all...Just start HF..

QSO with 9W8WAT

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm Back..

Hi sorry for the silent..Almost a year i am not write anything to the blog. However, now I'm back to be apart of blogger. Actually have nothing to say, just to show several picture which i captured while attended for RAE 2010 (December) at Shah Alam. I'm not so sure how many candidate attended for the exam but seem so many peoples around. For visitors' information, i have started back my work last June and it gives me a bundle of burden to work with. Herewith i attached several pictures for your eyes..

Bg Azmi Temerloh (9W2BDM)and Pak Maulud (9W2LUD)

Pak Razif (9W2JQQ)

Bang Kamal (9W2BMX)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Antenna Book

Hi all..just wanna share some information which i received from a friend of mine last 3 days. The book contain tremendous of variety in constructing home brew antenna for 2 meter band (144-148). So i feel it is worthy to have this. You guys may e-mail me if you akin to. So sorry because can not upload due to exceed in size permitted. The good thing about this book is the author provide a lot of design for 2 meter band. In addition, the author also provide measurement and material used for you guys to try it out. Those who can not download may e-mail me and I'll e-mail you the copy. Thanks to the author of the book for the brilliant and bright job. Until then, 73..

Friday, January 22, 2010

Trip to Melaka Zoo

Hi there.. So long not to update my blog..I'm quite busy with my study schedule. In the process of final writing of my thesis. A plenty of times have been spent in order to make it clear..Then on May I'll be back to Tg. Malim to continue my saltmine. However in my busy schedule, last two weeks my father and mother was here, so that i brought them hanging around Melaka town. Melaka Zoo is my choice this time since my harmonic always asking for it. In addition, the purpose of publishing this post is to promote the zoo to those friends who never come to this historical land. Melaka Zoo is among the top zoo in Malaysia. They also provide night safari to those who looking for something different. But i do not know how the feel is since i never join the night safari yet so far. So when we have time do come to Melaka and visit zoo or Taman Buaya which is just opposite to the zoo. To overseas visitor (my blog), it is worth to come to Malaysia cause we provide you a lot of thing to spend your holiday in Malaysia. So, herewith i attached a few pictures which has been captured along the way of my visit.

Just arrived..

Buaya Tembaga..worth to have because of the cooper..bole bikin antenna..hahaha

Small horse..Forget the scientific name..

Mr Hyppo..

Cow with long horn..

Elephant show..Beware: At the end of the session they will give you a bath for visitors.

My small family..

My family together with my fundamental..

Me and my sweet heart..youngest children..Muhammad Adam, 6 months.

My daughter..1st children..Sufya Maisara, 1 year 10 months.
Until then, pictures talk better than mouth..hope this may encourage person who visit my blog to go holiday..See you in next post..73

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Selamat tinggal 2009 selamat datang 2010..

Salam pada semua..sempena tahun baru ni aku mengucapkan selamat tahun baru kepada semua rakan-rakan ham seluruh Malaysia dan seluruh dunia yang pernah singgah ke blog aku yang tak seberapa ni. Baru belajar-belajar nak buat tak pandai sangat la. Jadi rakan-rakan yang pernah menyinggah jangan la komen kata blog aku ni simple...hahaha..memang simple pun..Jadi sempena tahun baru ni aku doakan semoga semua rakan-rakan sentiasa sejahtera dan semakin maju dari segi kerjaya, keluarga dan tak lupa hobi radio kita..Yang paling penting dan perlu diingat, radio ni adalah sekadar hobi dan bukannya kerjaya..jadi don't take too serious as how we treat our sources of income..kesempatan ni jugak aku upload gambar-gambar rakan yang pernah aku jumpa dan eyeball..mana yang sempat ambik je la..tak banyak pun..

Rakan-rakan Melaka..dari kiri; 9w2lza (xyl 9w2pfs), kak ina 9w2qtt (xyl 9w2mtt), 9w2mtt, nampak kepala je 9w2pgc, 9w2usm (pak presiden), 9w2opd dan aku xpasti sape kat hujung tu..terlindung..

Jamuan berbuka puasa rakan-rakan Shah Alam bersama Rumah Anak-Anak yatim Klang..

9W2DNO dengan set pak Tam..nampak kepala jer..

Bersama rakan-rakan Kluang semasa menyelesaikan masalah aku yang kena tipu ngan keling Kluang..Terima kasih rakan-rakan Kluang...dari kiri; nampak tangan jer..9w2jek jek, 9w2xld Shah, 9w2vll khairul, 9w2mno mat nor (nampak kepala jer), 9w2jdt pak saadon (otai Kluang..hehehe), 9w2rrl Rosli, swl melaka bg azhar (nampak kepala jer..)

Rakan-rakan Mersing semasa di Pengkalan Balak Melaka bagi menduduki RAE 2009/2..dari kiri rakan swl yang aku tak pasti nama, 9w2jsy pak jemain (pak tua mersing)... azmi mersing (terima kasih bagi keropok mersing..sedap).

Dan ini gambar harmonic aku dan xyl semasa naik eye on malaysia melaka...

Ni masa kat puncak...

Ni je la kot gambar-gambar dalam simpanan aku..yang ada aku ambik tapi terluoa save kat mana dah...nak kena beli kamera mahal baru tau menghargai..hehehe..anyway, selamat tahun baru semoga panjang umur murah rezeki...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How is the data put on radio waves?

Hi make my blog updated, since i am quit busy with my study schedules, i have tried to copy some informative page for visitors eyes regarding how is the data travel through waves. Maybe a lot of us still do not know how the data that we send everyday (voice, cw) work with waves including me until i found this article.
There are two common ways to put information in a radio wave, and you've likely run into them yourself. They are called A.M. and F.M. just like the two choices you've always known are on a radio. To understand these two ways of sending information it is important to know that radio waves, by themselves, have very regular patterns. Generally they keep the same amplitude or frequency all the time. (Amplitude is the "height" of the radio wave, frequency is how close the waves are to each other.)

A.M. stands for amplitude modulation. In this method, the information is put into a radio wave by varying the amplitude. For example, if all we wanted to do was send 1's and 0's, we could have just two different levels of amplitude that correspond to these numbers--1 being high, 0 being low.

F.M. stands for frequency modulation. This time the amplitude is kept constant, it is the frequency that is varied..

So ladies and gentleman, see how beauty and brilliants the creator up there..Think about it..Until then, see u in next post..73

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cerita Ghairah: Liana Memalukan Keluarga

"Sungguh memalukan!!"

"Maafkan saya bapak, sa..saya..saya menyesal!", Liana terisak-isak di hadapan bapaknya.

"Menyesal ? Dah terlambat! Kau tahu tak? Nama keluarga kita dah tercemar! … belum pernah keturunan kita kena macam nie? Kau tahu tak!" herdik bapak Liana.

"Sudahlah bang", mak Liana menyampok, "Kita bincangkan sekeluarga."

"Nak bincang aper lagi? … anak awak nie dah mengaku… … issshhh… … ." balas bapanya sambil memalingkan mukanya ke arah pokok di luar.

Liana betul betul menyesal dgn pengakuannya itu… kalau dia tahu bapaknya jadi camnie dia diam je… toksah mengaku lagi baik. Seluruh hidupnya seakan-akan runtuh di depan matanya, masa depan dia gelap? … dia telah mencemarkan nama baik keluarga dan keturunannya. Dia tahu masyarakatnya tidak akan dapat menerima dia lagi. Dia tahu keluarganya dah kecewa. What a letdown?

Di satu pagi yg hening dia keluar berjalan ke arah satu bangunan pencakar langit yg tinggi. Perlahan-lahan dia menaiki tangga sampai ke atas bumbung bangunan itu. Dia memandang ke bawah… dia lihat kereta dan org ramai bersepah kat bawah macam semut-semut yg baru kena spray dgn Baygon.

Liana dah nekad apa terjadi… . jadilah… .. Dia dah memalukan keluarganya, dia mencemarkan keturunannya, bapanya tidak mahu menerima atas kelemahannya itu.

Liana tebayangkan wajah maknya, air matanya menitis. Emaknya lah tempat dia bermanja, emaknya la yg akan meyelimutkan dikala sejuk, menyuapkan dikala lapar, wajah adik-beradik kembarnya juga terbayang dimata.

Sambil mengesat airmatanya, dia menarik nafas panjang… berjalan kehadapan hingga ke hujung bangunan itu. Setapak demi setapak dia melangkah ke hadapan hingga dirinya terjatuh melayang ke bawah… dia dapat rasakan angin yg begitu deras memukul mukanya… jantungnya berdegup pantas bila dia melihat bumi semakin dekat… .. dgn satu tarikan nafas yg dalam, Liana mengembangkan sayapnya, SWOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!… … .. dia terbang .

"Yessss! Yessss! Yessssssssssssssss! I’ve made it!!!!!", dia memekik keriangan.

Finally dia dapat melawan fobianya… dia dah no longer afraid of height… sebagai seekor burung, itulah yg sepatutnya menjadi fitrah semulajadi… selama ini dia takut… .. ye dia takut pada tempat tinggi dan kerana ketakutan inilah membuatnya tidak mahu terbang… dah bertahun dia rahsiakan hal ini dari keluarganya… . Sebab tu bapak dia kecewa bila dia membuat pengakuan itu kerana memang tak pernah seumur hidup seekor burung takut pada ketinggian.

Tapi sekarang dia dah tak takut, dia dah berani… . dia dah boleh terbang…